Monday, February 11, 2019

Postmodernism: Myths and Realities Essay -- Postmodernism Philosophy E

Postmodernism Myths and RealitiesA number of theorists and scholars have proclaimed that we outright live in a postmodern world--a world better explained by theories and concepts different from those of the modern world dating from the Enlightenment and before. The theories and concepts of postmodernism be astray and prominently applied in adult education. So, how do postmodernists characterize postmodernism? What argon the critics critiques? Do proponents and critics agree on anything? Characterizing PostmodernismDiscussing postmodernism and continuing education, Leicester (2000) writes that postmodernism is no(prenominal) a arrogant theory or unified movement so much as a loose umbrella term for a perspective incorporating reactions against the reign of science, the dominance of western traditions and the assumption of epistemological progress (p. 73). However, some key features convergency and criss-cross, appear and disappear in discussions about postmodernism (ibid., p. 7 4) Plurality of Perspectives. Multiple perspectives, accounts, and theories are respected. Eclectic thinking, drawing on and synthesizing multiple cultural traditions is encouraged. Antiessentialism. A text edition (be it an individual word, a message, a concept, or any significant structure) has no inherent, essential meaning--no one thing in common that makes us accustom the same word and which would give us the essence of the concept (ibid., p. 74) rather, it is propagate to multiple interpretations. Antifoundationalism. Truth and knowledge of it are not based on a fixed foundation of objective reality. Instead, truths are located in specific sociocultural contexts, outside of which no vantage point exists. Antiscientism. In particu... ...The Postmodern Perspective on Home Economics History. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences 92, no. 1 (2000) 81-84. Sokal, A., and Bricmont, J. Fashionable Nonsense Postmodern Intellectuals Abuse of Science. New York Picador USA, 1998. Stu fflebeam, D. L. Conflicts between Standards-Based and Postmodernist Evaluations Toward Rapprochement. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education 12, no. 3 (September 1998) 287-296. Thomas, R. M. A Glossary of Postmodern Educational Terms. 1997. (ED 410 577) Tisdell, E. Poststructural womens rightist Pedagogies The Possibilities and Limitations of Feminist Emancipatory Adult Learning Theory and Practice. Adult Education Quarterly 48, no. 3 (Spring 1998) 139-156. Usher, R. Bryant, I. and Johnston, R. Adult Education and the Postmodern Challenge Learning beyond the Limits. New York Routledge, 1997.

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