Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Allport’s Motivation, Functional Autonomy and Study of the Individual Essay

VI. Motivation To Allport, an adequate theory of motivation must consider the notion that motives change as people mature and also that people are motivated by present drives and wants. Allport believed that most people are motivated by present drives rather than by past events and are aware of what they are doing and have some understanding of why they are doing it. A. Reactive and Proactive Theories of Motivation Adult behavior is both reactive and proactive, and an adequate theory of motivation must be able to explain both. An adequate theory of personality, Allport contended ,must allow for proactive behavior. It must view people as consciously acting on their environment in a manner that it permits growth toward psychological health. A comprehensive theory must not only include an explanation of reactive theories, but must also those proactive theories that stress change and growth. In other words, Allport argued for a psychology that, on one hand, studies behavioral patterns and general laws (the subject matter of traditional psychology) and on the other hand, growth and individuality. Allport insisted that a useful theory of personality rests on the assumption that people not only react to their environment but also shape their environment and cause it to react to them. He criticized psychoanalysis and animal-based learning theories as being reactive because they saw people as being motivated by needs to reduce tension and to react to their environment. Personality is a growing system, allowing new elements to constantly enter into and change the person. B. Functional Autonomy Allport’s most distinctive and controversial concept is his theory of functional autonomy, it is Allport’s explanation for the myriad human motives that seemingly are not accounted for by hedonistic or drive reduction principles, which holds that some (but not all) human motives are functionally independent from the original motive responsible for a particular behavior. Motives that are not functionally autonomous include those that are responsible for reflex actions, basic drives, and pathological behaviors. If a motive is functionally autonomous, it is the explanation for behavior, and one need not to look beyond it for hidden or primary causes. Functional autonomy represents a theory of changing rather than unchanging motives and is the capstone of Allport’s idea on motivation. 1. Perseverative Functional Autonomy Allport recognized two levels of functional autonomy. Perseverative functional autonomy is the tendency of certain basic behaviors to continue in the absence of reinforcement. Allport borrowed the word â€Å"perseveration† which is the tendency of an impression to leave an influence on subsequent experiences. Perseverative functional autonomy is found in animals as well as humans and is based on simple neurological principles. Addictive behaviors are examples of perseverative functional autonomy. 2. Propriate Functional Autonomy The other level is propriate functional autonomy; it is the master system of motivation that confers unity on personality, which refers to self-sustaining motives that are related to the proprium. Examples of propriate functionally autonomous behaviors include pursuing interests that one holds dear and important. 3. Criterion for Functional Autonomy Present motives are functionally autonomous to the extent that they seek new goals. That is, functionally autonomous behaviors will continue even after the motivation behind those behaviors change. 4. Processes That Are Not Functionally Autonomous Allport listed eight processes that are not functionally autonomous: (1) Biological drives, (eating, breathing and sleeping) (2) Motives directly linked to the reduction of basic drives, (3) Reflexes actions (eye blink) (4) Constitutional equipment (physique, intelligence, and temperament) (5) Habits in the process of being formed,   (6) Patterns of behavior that require primary reinforcement, (7) Sublimations that are linked to unpleasant childhood experiences, and (8) Certain neurotic or pathological symptoms. Allport suggested a criterion for differentiating between a functionally autonomous compulsion and one that is not. For example, compulsions that can be eliminated through therapy or behavior modification are not functionally autonomous, whereas those that are extremely resistant to therapy are self- sustaining and thus functionally autonomous. C. Conscious and Unconscious Motivation Although Allport emphasized conscious motivation more than any other personality theorist, he did not completely overlook the possible influence of unconscious motives. Pathological behaviors are often motivated by unconscious drives, but healthy individuals are ordinarily consciously in control of their behavior. VIII. The Study of the Individual Because psychology has historically dealt with general laws and characteristics that people have in common, Allport strongly felt that psychology should develop and use research methods that study the individual rather than groups. To balance the predominant normative or group approach, he suggested that psychologists employ methods that study the motivational and stylistic behaviors of one person. A. Morphogenic Science Allport distinguished between two scientific approaches; Traditional psychology relies on nomothetic science, which seeks general laws from a study of groups of people, and idiographic which refers to that which is peculiar to the single case or study patterns of traits within the single case, but Allport used morphogenic procedures because the term â€Å"idiographic† was so often misused, misunderstood and misspelled. Morphogenic procedures refer to patterned properties of the whole organism and allows for intraperson comparisons Allport accepted self-reports, such as diaries, at face value. B. The Diaries of Marion Taylor During the late 1930’s, Allport and his wife became acquainted with personal documents, including diaries, of a woman they called Marion Taylor. Although the Allports analyzed much of this information, they never published an account of Marion Taylor’s story. Their work with Marion Taylor probably helped them organize and publish a second case- the story of Jenny Gove Masterson, another pseudonym. C. Letters from Jenny A short time later, the Allports analyzed and published a series of letters they had received from an older women named Jenny. These letters constitute Allport’s best-known example of morphogenic science in that they reveal one person’s pattern of behavior. Two of Allport’s students, Alfred Baldwin and Jeffrey Paige, used a personal structure analysis and factor analysis, respectively, whereas Allport used a commonsense approach to discern Jenny’s personality structure as revealed by her letters. All three approaches yielded similar results, suggesting that morphogenic studies may be reliable. IX. Related Research Allport believed that a deep religious commitment was a mark of a mature person, but he also saw that many regular churchgoers did not have a mature religious orientation and were capable of deep racial and social prejudice. In other words, he saw a curvilinear relationship between church attendance and prejudice. A. The Religious Orientation Scale This insight led Allport to develop and use the Religious Orientation Scale to assess both an intrinsic orientation and an extrinsic orientation toward religion. Allport and Ross (1967) found that people with an extrinsic orientation toward religion tend to be quite prejudiced, whereas those with an intrinsic orientation tend to be low on racial and social prejudice. A review of later studies (Trimble, 1997) found that prejudice is positively related to an extrinsic religious orientation but unrelated to an intrinsic religious orientation. INTRINSIC RELIGIOUS ORIENTATION – refers to motivation arising from goals set forth by the religious tradition itself, and is assumed to have an â€Å"otherly,† nonmundane, even self- denying quality: religion is regarded as a master motive whereas other needs, strong as they may be, are regarded as of less ultimate significance. EXTRINSIC RELIGIOUS ORIENTATION – refers to a flagrantly utilitarian motivation underlying religious behaviors: the individual endorses religious beliefs and attitudes or engages in religious acts only to the extent that they might aid in achieving mundane goals such as feeling comforted and protected or acquiring social status and approval. B. Religious Orientation and Psychological Health Research by Ralph Hood (1970) and others (Hansen, Vandenberg, & Patterson, 1995; Kosek, 1999; Maltby, 1999) has found that people who score high on the Intrinsic scale of the ROS tend to have overall better personal functioning than those who score high on the Extrinsic scale. In general, these studies have found that some highly religious people have strong psychological health, whereas others suffer from a variety of psychological disorders. The principal difference between the two groups is one of intrinsic or extrinsic religious orientation; that is, people with an intrinsic orientation tend to be psychologically healthy, but those with an extrinsic orientation suffer from poor psychological health.

Home Away From Home

Each small step it took to move into my new home meant bigger and brighter responsibilities. From the drive down to IPFW to when I laid my head down to sleep was a positive moment that changed my life. This transition was the beginning of a new chapter in my life that I was proud to accomplish. Getting to this stage in my life I have yet to step foot in what was in store for my future. The morning of August 19th only a yawn away, anxiety ran through my body like a strike of lightening. I was feeling so many emotions I was not sure how to express how excited I was to be moving into an entirely new environment. As I prepared for the big move I also felt a sense of sadness in the air, here I was my mother’s only girl leaving off for college. While reviewing my old room checking just to see if everything was set I found myself sitting on the corner of the sheet less bed reminiscing on the good and bad memorize I held behind the walls of this house. I found it ironic that even though this place was so hard to forget it was easy to let go. As the road trip begun I realized that this was it, and there was no turning back. Everyone was saying their goodbyes even though they realize that it was not forever. The van was packed to its maximum, and the ride was roughly two hours away. I had to cease the moment and go to sleep or at least attempt to get some rest. I sat and watched cars pass by and I felt the stretch of distance from home I was becoming, I wondered if any of the cars I saw were headed to the same place as I was. I can honestly say that this day did not go according to plan. There was an issue that occurred of whether or not I was staying in my assigned room or moving into another, so part of the day was a little stressful. At the same time I could not let it get to me and effect what I had to get accomplished for the remainder of the day. In the mist of all that commotion I realize that life is full of obstacles waiting to hit you as soon as you turn the page of a chapter in your life. It is up to you if you allow something to hinder your goals and success. Entering the home of IPFW I was waiting to feel welcomed, like I was home again, but deep down I knew that it was not time to feel at home when I did not have the keys to my room. All kinds of thoughts began to run through my head because in a matter of hours I would be on my own to take care of myself. During the next couple hours I started to feel independent because I had keys to my dorm. As I walked up to the door my mom had a video camera watching me put in my key for the first time. It tickled me a little to know that this moment was just as big to her as it was to me. We began to bring in my belongings, boxes already labeled to where they belonged. I was so thankful to have some of my family there to help me unpack and it gave us more time to spend with each other before they left on their journey back to South Bend. The more it became closer for me to be alone the more I thought about how I never had this much responsibility handed to me at one time. At this time I began to feel overwhelmed, but I did not panic and become all worked up about the situation. There was no room for mistakes, even though I truly knew that I was going to make a lot of them. Getting to know a place was another task that would add on my experience. Later on we took a small trip to do some more last minute shopping for food. As the times go by, I realize that in a matter of time there will be no more running to my parents for help; because there was only me. I knew that from here on out that I had to build myself confidence and take on my own responsibilities. At this moment I am still absorbing the fact that I am going to be on my own. As the seconds go by I am becoming more comfortable with the fact that I have me, myself, and I to depend on for the rest of my life starting when my family walk out the doors of my dorm room. When I was here alone finishing up the last touches of my room and new home, I waited for my roommate to arrive. I was very glad that I knew her previous to coming down to Fort Wayne. As soon as we both ended our goodbyes with our families we just took a second to soak in our new life. I realize that soon the weekend would come to an end and class would begin, all fun and games will have to be set aside. Before I could do that, for one small moment I had to just prance around and jump on my bed. I did not really have a valid reason to why, but I felt the urge to express myself in a goofy manner. Once again I found myself sitting on the corner of the bed thinking about the future this time, and what it took for me to get there. This moment that lasted throughout the course of the day was a step that I was ready to take, but yet not sure where it would take me. Starting from that day my life would never be the same. Each day was all about survival on my own. I knew in order from me to make it through college I had to become socially active with my peers and life around campus. I take this moment and look at the negative and turn it into a positive because without negativity I do not think that we would able to appreciate the values of positivity. From that period on I have to rely on myself to fix my next meal, wake myself and be prepared for my next class. There is no room for dwelling on the past and wishing for what i do not have because it is not going to help me when it is not present. This moment set me up for a new beginning of my life and career. Decisions waiting to be made of the unknown. From this point I was an independent adult and no longer living under rules that I had to ask permission. The way I see it is I am free! When the day was finally complete I rested my head on the pillow and prepare for the following day. This moment help me become the person that I am today, someone that is driven to improve my abilities to better my skills and accomplish way more then what my eyes can envision.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

History of Physical Education Essay

A brief history of physical education in the United States would kick off in the nineteenth century. There was growing popularity of formal physical education programs all across Europe where calisthenics and gymnastics were all the rage. American schools looked to follow the European model by incorporating physical education into the curriculum for primary and secondary schools. And a brief history of physical education would not be complete with a consideration of institutes of higher education that gradually built up extremely successful sports programs. How it began The brief history of physical education would start in just about 1820 when schools focused on gymnastics, hygiene training and care and development of the human body. By the year 1950, over 400 institutes had introduced majors in physical education. The Young Men’s Christian Association launched its very first chapter in 1851 and focused on physical activities. Colleges were encouraged to focus on intramural sports particularly track, field and football. But physical education became a formal requirement following the civil war when many states opted to pass laws that required schools to incorporate a substantial physical education component into their curriculums. But it was not till 1970 that an amendment was made to the Federal Education Act that allowed women from high school and college to compete in athletic competitions. Sex-based discrimination was completely outlawed from government funded programs at this point. THE HISTORY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN GREECE. In Greece the latest years special education has followed the same progression as in any other country in Europe but in a very slow pace. Specifically, Special Education services were available to Greek children since the beginning of the 20th century, adapted Physical Education was introduced the last two decades. After the first half of the century various associations developed intense activity with the aim to protect specific groups of people with special needs such as, the blind, the deaf and motionaly disabled. The initiative had clearly charitable characteristics with pity as the main feeling. The state welfare was non-existent every kind of care and prevention was accorded to the authorization of the charitable organization that with full power decided during the course of the years about the life and the future of thousands of people with special needs. The offers of the individuals had the form of institutional care (enclosed protection) with the offer of basic knowledge. The interest of private initiative led to the introduction of various institutional units and schools; firstly in the area of Attica and then in other cities of Greece. Some of the first institutions, which were created, was the â€Å"house of the blind† in 1906, the â€Å"house of the deaf and dump† in 1923, and the â€Å"Hellenic organization for the protection and rehabilitation of disabled children†. In 1937 much late there were more branches created such as the â€Å"national institution for the protection of the deaf and dump† in 1937, the â€Å"lighthouse of the blind† in 1946, the â€Å" school of the blind in North Greece† in 1948 etc. These institutions housed a great number of children but the role of the individuals was not only always a charitable one. However, the private sector helped in its way the state preparation so as to take up later the responsibility and interfere institutionally. The first state interferences began in 50’s and concerned mainly legislation arrangements for the blind and after for the motionaly disabled. The state however was interested in the group of the mentally retarded children and later in the motionaly disabled, which the private agents had completely ignored. The first school, which was founded by the state for the mentally retarded children, was the â€Å" original special school of Athens† in 1937. Many people considerthe state interference in the space of special education during the 30’s non-occasional. The considerable evolutions of pedagogical and psychology sciences, the establishment of obligatory attendance for all the children and the great number of mentally retarded children comparatively with other groups of â€Å" inferior individuals† was a reality which the Greek state could not ignore. From the mid of 50’s the 70’s the developments in special education came again from the wide activity of the private sector while the state followed with mainly legislation inferences and the well known sympathy towards the people with special needs. So, during this period educational units were founded and â€Å"deaf and dumb† schools in various areas of Greece and units for motionaly-disabled people. Another offer of the private sector was the foundation of children’s neuropsychiatry clinics and schools for the group of â€Å"marginal adults† and â€Å" mentally retarded children†. The exemplification of the Greek state and the educational policy of the western countries begins in the mid of the 70’s approximately. Specifically towards the end of the 70’s measures were promoted for the professional rehabilitation of the disabled by giving motives to employers for the employment of these people. Since 1980 and then special classes for the children with, learning difficulties and slight mental retardment began to be estamplished. The Greek state in the 80’s seems to desire to participate actively with the other social factors in an attempt of reorganization of the philosophy and pre-existent structure concerning the people with special needs, which imposed their life and social back round. Precisely, emphasis was given in the whole development and the development of the potential of the people with special needs, their introduction in the productive procedure and their mutual acceptance in the social group. Today, thousands of individuals with disabilities are introduced to sports in various settings such as schools or in sports clubs in both segregated and integrated settings by a variety of national and international organizations. The momentum for such change is contributed to several reasons: †¢ One of the most important reason is the introduction and approval of a new law, which mandates not only free public education for all children, but most important integration of children with disabilities in schools settings. This law is consideredas a springboard for the recognition for all children’s rights to participate in physical education activities. †¢ A second reason, is beginning of 90’s the implementation of the program â€Å"Sports for All†, which is organized by the General Secretariat of Sports and implemented with the support of different municipalities within Greece. †¢ A third reason, is the mandatory exposure of all students of physical education in adapted physical activity course work during their core university studies. In this way they have the opportunity not only to be introduced, but also to become specialized later on this subject. This has considerably affected their attitude to teach integrated sports. †¢ A fourth reason is the organization of the Paralympic Games of 2004, which is considered one of the largest events in the world. Due to the magnitude of this event, Greece started to evaluate the current status of the movement for sports for the disabled people, as well as, begin to take important actions towards the best organization of the games.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Coffee Shop Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Coffee Shop - Assignment Example These include principles of impartiality when serving customers of all calibres; fairness in dealing transactions; avoidance of impartiality in all the undertakings; and serving the customers openly. To ensure best practice in handling customers, I came up with various values from which the future staff will be expected to draw at all times. The overall business will believe in offering quality services in an environment of sensitivity while at the same time treating our future customers as equals no matter the differences in any aspect of life. We will be driven by sensitivity for the needs of the customers hence allow a great space for flexibility meaning that we will display courtesy, impartiality, timeliness and promptness in our customer service. The Hawaiian coffee shop will be a corporate entity that will utilize a chain of eateries selling ready to eat foods. The eateries will range from medium sized hotels to fast foods mini-outlets that will be based in the towns of the United States. The stores will adopt a very rich variety of cuisines in preparing their meals hence cater for varied groups of customers. They will offer fast foods and eat-in services depending on the choice of the customers. They will also offer free deliveries of some certain categories of foods to their customers based in or around the city centres near where the stores will be based. The shop will be owned by a group of directors who will also happen to be its founding fathers. The management of the shop will be made of a group of qualified personnel who will work at the various smaller stores to ensure the smooth running of the day to day activities especially the customer care support. The supportive departments will include sales and marketing charged with the role of widening and maintaining the customer base; the customer care department dealing with the concerns of the customers; the clerical department dealing with data management and administration of the chain stores and the culinary department to deal with the preparation, cooking and serving of the foods. The shop will employ approximately 1200 customer service highly trained staff from all its outlets (Mabey and Iles 1995p56). Customer care In order to get a large market for their products, I will come up with a strong sales team to take products as close as possible to the target market. The sales department will be charged with the role of advising the overall management on the best venue to erect more eateries. For the moment, I have suggested areas with very large concentrations of people e.g. near bus terminuses, near institutions of learning, at the railway stations, near open and closed market places, at the centre of the city centres and towns in order to reach a very wide section of customers (Morgan 2001pp61-67). The chain of coffee shops will be designed to thrive on their ability to develop products that stand out from the others in the market because of their creativity. As a way of setting ourselves apart with creations of attractive foods, the culinary

Sunday, July 28, 2019

PDA-Professional Development Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PDA-Professional Development Plan - Assignment Example In my work experience, I have noted that I am poor in engaging employees mainly because I prefer doing things for myself and therefore, I fail to adequately delegate work to employees. According to Chalofsky (1998), poor engagement of employees will demoralize them, as they will feel they do not play a critical role in the organization and many of them will easily opt out of the organization if they get another opportunity elsewhere. In order to be an effective human resource manager, I will need to work on this weakness by fast mastering to trust others and then ensure that I take up a supervisory role after delegating work. The resources that I will use include guidebooks and video tutorials on achieving employee engagement and proper delegation of work. I can easily achieve this goal within a period of three months and practice at home by ensuring I delegate house chores and keep everyone engaged in managing the household. Zull (2002) would argue that I am individualistic since I am not able to transfer my skills and knowledge to others. However, for me to be a good leader I must ensure that I can training others and empower them with skills and knowledge for them to become better employees. With continued globalization, every major organization is shaping up to be a multicultural organization and therefore, future leaders must have the ability to manage a workforce that is made up of employees from diverse cultures. In order to acquire knowledge in managing employees from different cultures I will first need to understand different cultures and I can easily do this by reading books concerning other cultures. Additionally, I will have to interact with many people from different cultures in order to understand perfectly how to manage a diverse workforce. Therefore, I can only be able to achieve this goal after the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Environment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Environment - Assignment Example Although solar energy has been in use for a long time, generating electricity from this source has not been fully adopted hence this has locked up great benefits associated with this alternative source of energy (Foster; Ghassemi, & Cota 47). Even though the solar energy is free, there are hindrances to achievement of this technology. For example, the cost of installation of solar harnessing equipment is extremely high. Also, the availability of solar energy fluctuate from place to another with some parts of the globe receiving maximum solar energy while others have low solar intensity. Also, solar availability is affected by the seasons and time of the day (YouTube). Implementation of this law will result to increase in efficiency of solar energy production since many people will invest in solar energy hence encourage innovation (Foster; Ghassemi, & Cota 47). Although the availability of solar energy may not increase, the efficiency of harnessing this energy will result to increase in the amount of power output lower cost of production (Boxwell 49). The cost saving on environmental management compensates the additional cost of generating solar energy on a large

Friday, July 26, 2019

Project Manegement, Final Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Project Manegement, Final - Assignment Example Risk Event Graph Risk cost High probability of cost to fix risk Risk occurring Low Beginning Project life cycle End Project is an undertaking that has a start and completion time (Kendrick, 2011). Therefore, generally risk is greater at the initial stage of the project implementation and tends to decline as the time progresses. The risk event graph enables project managers to estimate the chances of occurrence of risk at different times and decide on the resources they require for reducing the chances of risk (Dinsmore and, Cabanis-Brewin, 2011). This is usually essential at the initial stage of project implementation so that managers can mitigate the perceived risks and where possible eliminate it. The risk is usually high at the early phase of project implementation as a few expenses are sustained in mitigating the perceived risk (Wallace and Webber, 2011). However, as time progresses, the owner of the project injects more resources in mitigating consequences of the project hence r eduction in risk. Therefore, as more resources are injected in the project, the anticipated risk declines proportionately. This is because the perceived risk is due to the chances that the result of the project activities may yield undesired results (Dinsmore and, Cabanis-Brewin, 2011). Therefore, as the project is being implemented practically, the events become realistic without the anticipation of risk. This tends to lower the anticipated risk progressively towards the completion of the project (Kendrick, 2011). Risk event graph provides the project managers with a chance to estimate the risk associated with the project at the starting period so that they can take appropriate measure to reduce the anticipated risk before Types of risks Environmental risks: There is a probability of experiencing delays as a result of vagaries of weather hence casing unexpected delays in the completion of the project (Wallace and Webber, 2011). The workers are exposed to numerous dangers associated with injuries hence this may add cost to the general contractor (Dinsmore and, Cabanis-Brewin, 2011). This may result to inability to meet the client need at the agreed value of the houses. Personnel risk: The contractor is dealing with part time bookkeeper hence the bookkeeper may not be available during the project period (Kendrick, 2011). Since the contractor depends on hired subcontractors, there is a risk that during the contract period there may be some shortage of subcontractors hence the work may not b completed within the planned duration Construction risk: The suppliers of materials required for construction activities may fail to deliver the materials and equipment hence causing the contractor to delay in completing the work (Wallace and Webber, 2011). Market risk: The price of the construction materials and equipment may hike hence increasing the expenses of completing the project (Wallace and Webber, 2011). Political risk: The approval of the project may be delayed by the authority hence causing delay in commence and ending period of the project to fail to adhere to the set schedule (Kendrick, 2011). This may result to an imposition of penalty to the contractor as a result of breach of agreement. Design risk: The designers of the project may

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Importance Of Training And Development Of The Staff Dissertation

The Importance Of Training And Development Of The Staff - Dissertation Example actice versus simple exposure 12 2.4.4 Individual Characteristics 13 2.4.5 Background of the trainee 13 2.4.6 Learning Style 14 2.4.7 Working Environment 14 2.5 Benefits of training and development for the Organization 15 Other Benefits 17 2.6 Telecom Industry of UK 19 2.7 British Telecom 20 2.8 Training and Development of British Telecom 22 2.9 Benefits enjoyed by British Telecom 23 2.10 Vodafone 24 2.11 Training and Development of Vodafone 24 2.11.1 Learning via experience 25 2.11.2 Training and Development Programs 25 2.11.3 Other Development Opportunities 25 2.12 Budget standard for training and development 26 2.12.1 Allocating Resources 26 2.12.2 Allocating Expenses 27 2.12.3 General estimation policy 28 2.13 Evaluation of training and development 29 2.13.1 Emotional reaction 29 2.13.2 Achieved learning objectives 30 2.13.3 Behavioural Changes 30 2.13.4 Impact on Organization 32 Chapter 3: Methodology 33 3.1 Introduction 33 3.2 Research Approach 33 3.3 Research Strategy 35 3.4 R esearch Methodology 36 3.5 Data Collection and Sampling 37 3.6 Ethical consideration 38 3.7 Limitation of the study 38 Chapter 4: Results and Findings 39 4.1 Introduction 39 4.2 Findings from employees of British Telecom 40 4.3 Findings from managers of British Telecom 45 4.4 Findings from the Employees of Vodafone 48 4.5 Findings from the Managers of Vodafone 53 Chapter 5: Analysis and Conclusion 61 5.1 Analysis 61 5.2 Conclusion 62 5.3 Recommendation 64 Chapter 6: Project Management and Review 66 Review 67 Reference List 69 Appendix 76 List of Figures Fig 1: Department of the respondents................................................................................41 Fig 2: Age of the... It has been identified by many of the authors that there exist some special characteristics of HRM that help in managing organizational culture and employee commitment (Anthony, 1994; Atkinson, 1990; Sisson, 1990; Guest, 1995). The commitment and alteration in the culture are encouraged by the application of specific practices in the areas of selection and recruitment, training and development, appraisal system and encouragement in the participation of the employees. In the general literature of HRM, recruitment and selection are seen as essential elements that assist in achieving employee commitment and cultural change. Some of the significant policy areas required to achieve new culture were identified by Guest (1987). On the other hand, William, Dobson, and Walters (1993) identifies that if recruitment is conducted in a systematic and thoughtful way, it is possible to exert emphasis on the ‘incoming culture', thereby creating a strong pressure on the existing workforce withi n the organization. Moreover, in order to create a change in the culture, it becomes very important for the HR manager to recruit selective people with the desired attitude. Snape, et al. (1995) have also emphasized that in order to develop the appropriate culture within the organization, the recruitment and selection of the employees should be based on their attitudinal and behavioral characteristics. The HRM literature also suggests that the training and development of the employees also lead to the change in the culture of the organization.

Discussion Questions Week 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion Questions Week 1 - Essay Example For instance, it might be determined that a 4-year degree at a technical school will provide a $100,000 income while a 2-year degree at a specialty school will only provide a $60,000 income after graduation. A person must determine the steps involved in getting an education and determine which option will be the most valuable long-term. A person making $60,000 will have less financial capabilities than another who earns $100,000, making it harder to contribute to charitable or community organizations. However, the time investment should be considered as part of economics because family members will be affected, as well as the whole of a person’s lifestyle, depending on which decision is made. The biggest question which should be asked is how decision-making will impact the self, the household, the local community and even the broader society as part of economics in daily life. From an organizational viewpoint, economics determines how specific activities impact other activities in a society. A manufacturing business will determine the cost of raw materials, the labor and investment necessary to produce them, and consider whether customers will want to buy these products. As a single organization, micro-level business activities and various departments work together in the pursuit of generating a final product. Each division or business unit maintains a unique function, however each contributes to the whole of the organization, creating an entire unit of economic activities. In the business environment, it is a common theme to recognize aspects of sales and marketing, such as knowing your consumer and their basic demographics such as income, social lifestyle and cultural values. From a macro-level perspective, social systems work together with their own unique functions, creating a solid society where each action by each group impacts the other group. This is no different in business as the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

GDP growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

GDP growth - Essay Example This paper seeks to enquire how far the title of this essay "In today's economic climate, any company that hasn't borrowed as much as it can is crazy" is relevant within the context of corporate finance principles. That is, when business opportunities abound, is it wise on the part of the firms to watch as silent spectators without grabbing them and execute them by means of borrowed capital. The title raises two hypotheses, debt is preferred to equity and in spite of sufficient equity available, a company should borrow maximum possible in the pretext of the resultant economic climate of liberal consumption. Firms should invest money only if the project earns more than the hurdle rate which is generally higher in projects with high risks and investment pattern will be reflected in the ratio of financing mix of equity and debt. Cash flows and their timing determine rate of return on projects. If there are no profitable investments available, the stock holders' funds must be returned to them. Objective behind these principles is maximising the value of the firm as per the traditional theory of corporate finance. ... Borrowing facilitates availing of tax benefit and it is higher in case of higher tax rate. It creates a disciplining environment by which greater separation between management and stock holder is achieved which is a greater benefit as per the principles of corporate governance. Disadvantages are firms are exposed to bankruptcy cost due to higher business risk, agency cost due to greater separation stock holders and lenders and financing flexibility for the future is lost because of greater uncertainty regarding future financing requirements. A debt carries with it a commitment to make future payments which are tax deductible and future defaults in payments can result in loss of control to the lenders. In a hypothetical situation of no taxes (tax free), no separation between managers and stockholders, no default probability, and presence of certainty in future funds requirements, default risk, agency cost and capital structure become irrelevant and firm value is divested of its debt r atio as posited by the Miller-Modigliani theorem. According to this theorem, firm value will be decided by cash flows and there will be no question of leverage. (Damodaran) Real options In the present economic scenario of mergers and acquisitions for bailing out weak firms or as an exercise of creating a competitive advantage, companies require large volume of funds and committed bank facilities are useful in financing their real options to carry out M & A transactions. In 2000, Bank of America advanced bridge loan to Club Corp for debt acquisition as part of M & A exercise. Similarly Bank of America provided Ferrellgas a bridge loan of $ 175 million to carry out acquisition of Thermogas. (Patrick C 2000) Debt-to-Equity Ratio This is the ratio of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How different size of firms using financial hedging techniques such as Literature review

How different size of firms using financial hedging techniques such as Forwards, Futures, Options and Swaps to manage currency risk - Literature review Example The topic mainly emphasizes on the hedging techniques that is required for managing the risk. While conducting international trade operations it has been observed that foreign exchange plays an important and significant role. The techniques of hedging generally facilitates the firms that are active in the international market to reduce or minimize the exposure towards the variation in the foreign exchange rate which could adversely and severely affect the value of the asset and profit margin of the business. With the presence and the existence of the derivative market it facilitates and assists the business in management of risk, arbitration and speculation in the derivative as well as the spot market. The topic also emphasizes or deals with the various financial instruments such as the foreign currency debt and the derivative related to foreign exchange which helps in neutralizing the risk and the topic also highlights the various benefits and limitations of the management strategie s of the various exchange rate risks. The author Cowan in his study has emphasized on hedging the financial risk that is mainly faced by the large or the multinational companies is by hedging its risk by the financial product forward. The multinational companies generally prefer hedging through the foreign currency loans and the operational hedging. The forward contract is mainly arranged and dealt by explaining and customizing the agreement or the deal that is carried out between the parties for fixing and determining the exchange rate for carrying out the transaction in future. The arrangement is conducted in such a way that it will eliminate the risk related to foreign exchange. There are also disadvantages related to hedging with forward contract which is related or associated with fixing the amount at a future rate. Entering into the forward agreement or contract can be explained as the method of transferring or passing of the risk

Monday, July 22, 2019

Professional Sports and Michael Pore Essay Example for Free

Professional Sports and Michael Pore Essay Athletes are almost as bad of role models as criminals. Athletes get called role models a lot but they do not fit the definition of a role model. Athletes set bad examples for teens. They make poor choices and are easily forgiven due to their athletic abilities. Athletes are bad role models for teens and kids because a lot of athletes have bad habits, set unrealistic expectations, and set bad examples. In spite of their abilities, athletes are not good role models for anyone of any age. Many athletes have bad habits like drug use, fighting, and gambling. Laura K. Egendorf says many unrealistic expectations are set; not everyone can become famous or a professional athlete. Too many teens and kids look up to major athletes so they should not be setting the bad examples that they are setting (Laura K. Egendorf, 64). Not only are they setting bad examples but they have bad habits as well. Also, as teens grow older they read about their athlete hero and their bad habits. Michael A.  Pore states that any law breaking or wrong thing a professional athlete does, there is a story posted in newspaper, online, or even said on television. Michael Jordan had a gambling problem, Sammy Sosa had a steroid issue, and Riddick Bowe had a fighting problem (Michael A. Pore, 41). Some teens realize athletes are not good role models. Professional athletes are easily forgiven for their mistakes. However, professional athletes set bad examples for teens and young athletes. Michael A. Pore states that athletes are too easily forgiven for their bad behavior. You don’t need to use drugs to be good at something. They feel money comes easily, but money is not everything and does not come easily. Athletes send bad messages to kids; if you buy a certain product the athlete promotes, you will not perform better (Michael A. Pore, 40). Not everyone will perform the way professional athletes do and become famous. In Addition, athletes set unrealistic expectations for the teens and kids looking up to them. Not everyone can and will become a professional athlete. Very few people will make millions of dollars a year just for playing a sport. Michael A. Pore says teens feel if they wear a brand promoted by an athlete they will fit in with the rest of the players playing the sport. For the kids looking up to the professional athletes, they feel they have to look as strong as them or be as muscular as them to plat the sport well (Michael A. Pore, 43). A few athletes get their muscular look from steroids, not actual strength. However, steroid use is not that bad once in a while. In the article, Athletes Are Role Models it states; If you have no time for practice, steroids improve your performance. Steroids make you feel better when you do well in your game. No one will know if you do it once in a while (http://www. ickscorner. com). Steroids can help anyone any age. In any case, no one of any age should use steroids. Steroids are an illegal substance and if you get caught using them you can get a huge fine or even jail time. If you use steroids, you are just cheating yourself and the game. Not only does steroid use get looked down on but it also kills brain cells (http://forum. bodybuilding. com). If you do not have time to practice and feel like that is a reason to use steroids and perform better, than you should not have the time to be on the team. Accordingly, athletes can set realistic expectations and help teens and kids go for their dreams. Laura K. Egendorf explains how most young kids and teens want to be famous when they are older; professional athletes help them reach for that dream. As teens grow older, they continue to watch their favorite professional athlete. Watching them do well in a game will make teens want to perform like them (Laura K.  Egendorf, 64). Professional athletes make a lot of money just for playing a game, but money is not everything. On the other hand, many kids and teens get motivated but is it realistic? Very few people in the world become famous. The chances of becoming a professional athlete are really small; there are about 301,000,000 people in the United States and only about 17,000 professional athletes. â€Å"http://forum. bodybuilding. com† Being like a professional athlete is not always good; drugs are not a good thing for a teen to get into. As a result, athletes should not be role models for anyone of any age; they have bad habits, set unrealistic expectations, and set bad examples. A lot of athletes have bad habits like steroid use and gambling. Professional athletes set unrealistic examples, not everyone can and will be famous. Many bad examples are set within athletes. People get motivated for unrealistic dreams. Athletes can teach teens how to try to achieve in athletics but they can’t help with homework or real world family issues, they should not be considered role models.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Subscriber System using Identity-Based Encryption

Subscriber System using Identity-Based Encryption Secure Message Transmission to the Publisher Vivek Sharma INTRODUCTION The major mechanism regarding to the Publish-Subscribe based system are security, confidentiality, scalability and authentication. Publish-Subscribe system can be classified into two groups like as Type based and Content based message transmission. The publish-subscribe system is facing difficulties regarding Authentication just because of their Loose coupling nature. Content based routing face the difficulties in term of event confidentiality and their subscription. Hence, A new way is needed to the transmission of encrypted events to publishers-subscribers without knowing subscriptions between them and authenticate to each-other during transmission of an event. Security is the major facor in the broker less publisher-subscriber systems. To successful subscription, the subscribers should be in clustered form according to their subscription. The proposed approach gives permission to subscribers to manage the credentials in respect of their subscriptions. Credentials are labelled with private keys to the subscriber and Publisher connected with each-every encrypted event and related credentials. By using identity-based encryption, we must ensure that a particular event will decrypt only if a common credential between both publisher-subscriber associated with the particular event and their private key which is generated by the key generator are matched correctly in system and subscribers can check the authenticity of events to the publisher-subscriber system. SCOPE OF PROJECT : The project will provide the high authentication, reliability and scalability to the publish-subscribe system. An authentication and confidentiality will be achieved by the publishers and subscribers system to the particular occurring event by applying the pairing based cryptography and Symmetric encryption. Both publisher-subscriber are assigned with a same private key mechanism differentiate with the other mechanism like as public key infrastructure. So it provides more secure and reliable way to the communication between publisher and subscriber. LITERATURE SURVEY : Title: Cipher text Encryption based on attribute Author Bethencurt , Sahali A. Year: 2007 Description: According to the attribute based encryption based on the cipher text policy, the publisher or encryptor fix the policy to the subscriber, who will decrypt the message. With the help of attribute, the policy can be formed. In previous Cipher text encryption based on attribute, policy is embedded with the cipher text to the transmission. In this proposed method, the access policy is not sent with the cipher text, so it would provide better privacy environment to the encryptor. Title: Public-Key Encryption related Search of particular keyword Author: D. Boneh, P Crcenzo, R Ostrvky Year: 2004 Description: We study the problem of searching on data that is encrypted using a public key system. Consider user Bob who sends email to user Alice encrypted under Alices public key. An email gateway wants to test whether the email contains the keyword urgent so that it could route the email accordingly. Alice, on the other hand does not wish to give the gateway the ability to decrypt all her messages. We define and construct a mechanism that enables Alice to provide a key to the gateway that enables the gateway to test whether the word urgent is a keyword in the email without learning anything else about the email. We refer to this mechanism as Public Key Encryption with keyword Search. As another example, consider a mail server that stores various messages publicly encrypted for Alice by others. Using our mechanism Alice can send the mail server a key that will enable the server to identify all messages containing some specific keyword, but learn nothing else. We define the concep t of public key encryption with keyword search and give several constructions. Title: Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing.e Scheduling Independent Tasks Author: D. Boneh and M.K. Franklin Year: 2001 Description: We propose a fully functional identity-based encryption scheme (IBE). The scheme has chosen cipher text security in the random oracle model assuming a variant of the computational Die- Hellman problem. Our system is based on bilinear maps between groups. The Weil pairing on elliptic curves is an example of such a map. We give precise dentitions for secure identity based encryption schemes and give several applications for such systems. Title: â€Å"Supporting Publication and Subscription Confidentiality in Pub/Sub Networks Author: M. Ion, G. Russello Year: 2010. Description: The publish/subscribe model over’s a loosely-coupled communication paradigm where applications interact indirectly and asynchronously. Publisher applications generate events that are sent to interested applications through a network of brokers. Subscriber applications express their interest by specifying filters that brokers can use for routing the events. Supporting condentiality of messages being exchanged is still challenging. First of all, it is desirable that any scheme used for protecting the condentiality of both the events and filters should not require the publishers and subscribers to share secret keys. In fact, such a restriction is against the loose-coupling of the model. Moreover, such a scheme should not restrict the expressiveness of filters and should allow the broker to perform event filtering to route the events to the interested parties. Existing solutions do not fully address these issues. In this paper, we provide a novel scheme that supports (i) condentiality for events and filters; (ii) filters can express very complex constraints on events even if brokers are not able to access any information on both events and filters; (iii) and finally it does not require publishers and subscribers to share keys. Title: Efficient Privacy Preserving Content Based Publish Subscribe Systems Author: M. Nabeel, N. Shang, and E. Bertino Year: 2012. Description: Privacy and confidentiality are crucial issues in content-based publish/subscribe (CBPS) networks. We tackle the problem of end-user privacy in CBPS. This problem raises a challenging requirement for handling encrypted data for the purpose of routing based on protected content and encrypted subscription information. We suggest a solution based on a commutative multiple encryption schemes in order to allow brokers to operate in-network matching and content based routing without having access to the content of the packets. This is the first solution that avoids key sharing among end-users and targets an enhanced CBPS model where brokers can also be subscribers at the same time. Title: Encryption-Enforced Access Control in Dynamic Multi-Domain Publish/Subscribe Networks Author: L.I.W. Pesonen, D.M. Eyers, and J. Bacon Year: 2007 Description: This paper extends previous work to present and evaluate a secure multi-domain publish/subscribe infrastructure that supports and enforces engrained access control over the individual attributes of event types. Key refresh allows us to ensure forward and backward security when event brokers join and leave the network. We demonstrate that the time and space overheads can be minimized by careful consideration of encryption techniques, and by the use of caching to decrease unnecessary decryptions. We show that our approach has a smaller overall communication overhead than existing approaches for achieving the same degree of control over security in publish/subscribe networks. Title: Hermes: A Scalable Event-Based Middleware Author: P. Pietzuch Year: 2004 Description: The core functionality of an event-based middleware is extended with three higher-level middleware services that address different requirements in a distributed computing environment. We introduce a novel congestion control service that avoids congestion in the overlay broker network during normal operation and recovery after failure, and therefore enables a resource-efficient deployment of the middleware. The expressiveness of subscriptions in the event-based middleware is enhanced with a composite event service that performs the distributed detection of complex event patterns, thus taking the burden away from clients. Finally, a security service adds access control to Hermes according to a secure publish/subscribe model. This model supports fine-grained access control decisions so that separate trust domains can share the same overlay broker network. Title: Enabling Confidentiality in Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Infrastructures Author: C. Raiciu and D.S. Rosenblum Year: 2006. Description: we focus on answering the following question: Can we implement content-based publish/subscribe while keeping subscriptions and notifications confidential from the forwarding brokers? Our contributions include a systematic analysis of the problem, providing a formal security model and showing that the maximum level of attainable security in this setting is restricted. We focus on enabling provable confidentiality for commonly used applications and subscription languages in CBPS and present a series of practical provably secure protocols, some of which are novel and others adapted from existing work. We have implemented these protocols in SIENA, a popular CBPS system. Evaluation results show that confidential content-based publish/subscribe is practical: A single broker serving 1000 subscribers is able to route more than 100 notifications per second with our solutions. Title: EventGuard: A System Architecture for Securing Publish-Subscribe Networks Author: M. Srivatsa, L. Liu, and A. Iyengar Year: 2011. Description: a framework for building secure wide area pub-sub systems. The EventGuard architecture is comprised of three key components: (1) a suite of security guards that can be seamlessly plugged-into a contentbased pub-sub system, (2) a scalable key management algorithm to enforce access control on subscribers, and (3) a resilient pub-sub network design that is capable of scalable routing, handling message dropping-based DoS attacks and node failures. The design of EventGuard mechanisms aims at providing security guarantees while maintaining the system’s overall simplicity, scalability and performance metrics. We describe an implementation of the EventGuard pub-sub system to show that EventGuard is easily stackable on any content-based pub-sub core. We present detailed experimental results that quantify the overhead of the EventGuard pub-sub system and demonstrate its resilience against various attacks.

Roper Logan Tierney Model Activities Of Daily Living

Roper Logan Tierney Model Activities Of Daily Living INTRODUCTION In this assignment I will present a patient I have cared for during one shift on my placement ward. Using the Holland et al (2008) Roper Logan Tierney model of care which focuses on the activities of daily living a description of care received by the patient will be outlined. Any reference made to the patient is under pseudonym and referred to as Mrs Oni to protect the patient confidentiality according NMC Code of conduct (2008). To comply with guidelines set out by Department of Health (2009) full verbal consent was first obtained from the patient before any information was used in this assignment. My placement was in abdominal and orthopaedics surgical ward were patients were routinely admitted from accident and emergency and prepared for surgery and admitted after surgery. I have chosen a 33 year old female patient admitted to accident and emergency department and then to the ward with acute lower abdominal pain and later had non elective surgery for appendicitis. It was my duty under the supervision of my mentor, during this shift to monitor and maintain internal and safe environment, communicate and encourage patient to mobilise and wound management. The assessment tools utilised to create a care plan according to priority are those implemented and used by the trust. All activities discussed will be reflected upon as part of personal and professional development. CASE STUDY Mrs Oni is a married mother with two children under the age of ten. She is a health support worker and is employed full time. Mrs Oni complained that the pain started at the umbilicus region and then later the pain intensified at her right lower abdominal quadrant. When she was admitted upon examination by the general surgical team it was reported that her abdomen was tender and gardening. Other symptoms presented included constipation, nausea, fever and loss of appetite which all common to the condition. Patient had past medical history of being treated for urinary tract infection to rule out this as a possible reoccurring cause a urine analysis was performed and sent to microbiology testing and further analysis. Bloods were also taken to check for raised neutrophil (white blood cell) count. No previous history of abdominal pain, aggravating factors, patient felt relief when lying down with knees pulled up, presented no urinary symptoms, no alcohol consumption, and patient is not on any medication. On observing Mrs Oni she appeared anxious and was tired due to pain. When the patient was assessed using interview skills and attempting to form a therapeutic relationship with the patient it was revealed that Mrs Oni wanted to maintain a traditional African diet rich in fibre with lots fruit and vegetables, but found it hard to find time to prepare the meals and replaced it with unhealthy snacks while at work and didnt eat at regular meal times. She also revealed that she did not get much exercise and weight gained plummeted after her second child. Oxford dictionary for nurses state that the appendix is the short thin blind ended tube, 7 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 10 long and is attached to the end of the caecum. The caecum is the first part of the large intestine according to Clancy McVicar (2002) appendicitis occurs when this tube becomes filled with faecal matter and or with other debris. It can also occur if the caecum is obstructed resulting in damage and blockage to the appendix. In both cases inflammation occurs which can cause rupture of the appendix and appendectomy surgery is required to stop other bowel and abdominal inflammatory conditions developing. I have chosen this patient because NHS Choices (2012) states that appendicitis is considered to be a common condition and that around 7% of UK population will develop the condition at some stage in the lives. It also states a lack of fibre in in diet can be a cause for the condition. I have also formed a good therapeutic relation with the patient. USING ROPER LOGAN TIERNEY MODEL Cronin Rawlings-Anderson (2004) cited Walker Avant (1995) who described practice theories as goal oriented actions. Llewellyn Hayes (2008) describes the model as an aid in assisting and measuring the patients ability to achieve independence at each stage of care. All 12 activities include, maintaining a safe environment, communication, breathing, eating and drinking, eliminating, personal cleansing and dressing, controlling body temperature, mobilising, working and playing, expressing sexuality, sleeping and dying. All activities according to Holland et al (2008) are used as a framework for the assessment, planning, implementing and evaluating process in the provision of care. Maintaining a safe environment is one example of how the activities can relate to patient care. Diamond (2011) uses the care setting as an example how a person human rights can become easily compromised. The Human Rights Act (1998) article 3 states that No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. This clearly illustrates that the environment in which a patient is care for should be maintained to ensure patient physical, mental and psychological wellbeing while also reducing the risk of infections. The Roper et al model of care is therefore a useful tool for ensuring that all patient needs are considered. Holland et al, (2008) also includes care for the internal environment that which is on a cellular level. This aspect forms a very important part of the recovery process for the case study patient Mrs Oni. ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING FRAMEWORK OF CARE Chinn Kramer (2008) argues that a nurses action can help to improve patient experience by using their awareness and theoretical knowledge in situations, thus dislodging patient fears about situations that are new to them. The handover received for Mrs Oni described the patient sleep patterns throughout the night, stated the analgesics; paracetamol and tramadol prescribed for pain, discussed patient mobility, discussed patient intervention that was the physiotherapy sessions which were required for chest exercises, wound care discussed where surgical clips removed from the wound sloughing observed and surgical team notified as a result antibiotics now prescribed eight hourly and stated wound dressing needed to be changed and catheter to be removed. Although the assessment of the patient was received from a secondary source in handover the patient care still needs to be assessed in order to establish care priority for the patient. Holland et al, (2008) assessment is therefore the first stage in the process where the nurse uses communication skills to gather to begin planning care for the patient. Breathing On assessing Mrs Oni it was found that she was still feeling tired after getting a full nights rest. While listening to the patient it was observed that her speech was quiet and chest movements were irregular. The pulse oximetry machine was used to further assess the levels of oxygen in the patient. Correctly using the equipment making sure the patient was not wearing nail polish which can alter readings. The diagnosis with the reading confirmed that Mrs Oni was lacking oxygen. The normal range for the baseline measurements are charted out using the Glasgow Coma Scale used by the trust. It indicated that reading above 94% is considered within the normal range, Mrs Oni reading were 93%. It was decided that oxygen therapy was needed. A second intervention after the oxygen therapy was reassessed and had improved the patient breathing was made to prevent secondary infections the physiotherapists work with Mrs Oni, to teach her deep breathing exercises to avoid developing chest infections. The use of communication in assisting Mrs Oni by first providing a vomitus bowl and tissues as needed with the nurse explaining to patient why it was important to expectorate any excess sputum while giving the nurse the opportunity to inspect colour of sputum for signs of infection, according to Basford Slevin (2001) this reduces the chances of developing other complications. Mobility Mobility according to Perry Potter (2004) is affected by events and nursing intervention can improve body function and ability to recovery. NICE clinical guidelines (2010) to encourage hydration and mobility to reduce risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). This condition according to Clancy McVicar (2002) is where clotting occurs in the veins and affects patients who have had abdominal surgery and experienced child birth. The surgical team did prescribe some prophylaxis treatment anti-embolism stockings which are referred to as TED stockings. However, the patient refused to wear them and has a right to do so according NHS Choices (2011) under the Mental Health Capacity Act 2005 which advises that a person has the right to voluntarily refuse treatment. On assessing the patient no real barriers to mobility was observed and with improvements on the patient breathing and fatigue levels, knowledge of psychological issues was required to further diagnose the patient. Using communication skills to form a therapeutic relationship as an intervention, Mrs Oni revealed that she was very worried about her children, she became tearful but discussing her children helped to remind her that she need to recover quickly to get back to her family and home. She was able to later agree to wear the anti-embolism stocking and began to attempt to mobilise without assistance. Another nursing intervention used to aid Mrs Oni in mobilising was to administer prescribed analgesics for pain management thus reducing the effects of the surgical wounds present. Personal Cleansing and dressing Mrs Oni had a wound had become infected and needed to take meropenem by intravenous infusion which according to BNF (2012) an penicillin antibiotic prescribed for  intra-abdominal infections, skin and soft-tissue infections. Mrs Oni stated she was not allergic to penicillin upon admission but the side effects from the drug were likely to be nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and headaches. According to BNF (2012) patients most at risk of developing anaphylactic reactions are asthma, eczema and hay fever sufferers. On inspection of the wound while changing the dressing it appear to be less exudate. On previous dressing change I was reported that there was some sloughing which is according to Perry Potter (2004) pg. 1278 are tissue cells that have died and have been removed from the body. Cleaning of the wound using the aseptic technique and new dressing were applied. Mrs Oni was then assisted with her personal hygiene needs and expressed that she was feeling much better. These actions taken will help to improve body image and reduce risk of prolonging the infection. Pain Although not mentioned in the handover it is still an effect experience after surgery. The tool used to measure pain is done using a numerical rating system with a scale rating pain from 0 to 10. Zero being there is no pain and ten being the highest value Indicating intervention needed. Perry Potter (2004) p.1274 definition of pain, subjective, unpleasant sensation caused by noxious stimulation of sensory nerve endings. This notion that pain is subjective is very true as each individual experiences pain in a different way according to Ewards R. article in Benzon et al (2005) pain can also be measured through observing behaviour. Mrs Oni did report pain and the prescribed analgesics were given as prescribed. Upon evaluation it was verbalised by Mrs Oni that she was in less pain four hours an hour later after administration. CONCLUSION The important aspect of the reflective process is to develop critical thinking skills which according to Jasper (2006) helps to develop the ability give clear rationales when making decisions. Reflecting using Gibbs et al (1988) cited by Bulman Schutz (2008) cycle where a series of reflective questions to be thoughtfully answered in retrospect which begins with the experience, a description of feelings, taking in account the positives and negatives, looking at the situation from different angels, what else I could have added to improve the outcome and finally the actions taken. Using the experience of caring for someone post-operative using the Roper et al, framework of care was a good teaching guide and created self-awareness of the process while helping to give a structured framework to gather knowledge in a way that was useful. I felt more comfortable and confident in discussing issues with my mentor on issues of care. The environment was very challenging but the framework help m e to focus and achieve my objectives. Evaluation of care using Llewellyn Hayes (2008) uses Huycke and Alls (2000) framework that encompasses all involved in the provision and receipt of care. The ward provides a comment card for patients, this way the immediate providers of care the staff receive instant and genuine feedback. This shows the patient experience is valued.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Freedom in the United States :: essays papers

Freedom in the United States Essay submitted by Unknown No other democratic society in the world permits personal freedoms to the degree of the United States of America. Within the last sixty years, American courts, especially the Supreme Court, have developed a set of legal doctrines that thoroughly protect all forms of the freedom of expression. When it comes to evaluating the degree to which we take advantage of the opportunity to express our opinions, some members of society may be guilty of violating the bounds of the First Amendment by publicly offending others through obscenity or racism. Americans have developed a distinct disposition toward the freedom of expression throughout history. The First Amendment clearly voices a great American respect toward the freedom of religion. It also prevents the government from "abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Since the early history of our country, the protection of basic freedoms has been of the utmost importance to Americans. In Langston Hughes' poem, "Freedom," he emphasizes the struggle to enjoy the freedoms that he knows are rightfully his. He reflects the American desire for freedom now when he says, "I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread." He recognizes the need for freedom in its entirety without compromise or fear. I think Langston Hughes captures the essence of the American immigrants' quest for freedom in his poem, "Freedom's Plow." He accurately describes American's as arriving with nothing but dreams and building America with the hopes of finding greater freedom or freedom for the first time. He depicts how people of all backgrounds worked together for one cause: freedom. I selected Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 as a fictitious example of the evils of censorship in a world that is becoming illiterate. In this book, the government convinces the public that book reading is evil because it spreads harmful opinions and agitates people against the government. The vast majority of people accept this censorship of expression without question and are content to see and hear only the government's propaganda. I found this disturbing yet realistic. Bradbury's hidden opposition to this form of censorship was apparent throughout the book and finally prevailed in the end when his main character rebelled against the practice of burning books. Among the many forms of protests are pickets, strikes, public speeches and rallies.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Computers and the Film Industry Essay -- Computer Generated Images CGI

Computers and the Film Industry Computer technology invades the film industry. The existence of computers have aided in the production of genres of film ranging from action movie special effects, to cartoon animation and claymation. Computer Generated Imagery, better known as CGI, assists filmmakers in many ways. An image can be made two-dimensional from a three-dimensional scene, camera angles can be altered to make a character seem larger and thus more important than its surrounding bodies, and colors can be brightened or neutralized, among other things (Parsons, Oja 1). Without the aid of computers, movies would not have the ability to be what they are today. The demand for the manual animation technique known as â€Å"in-betweening,† where an artist draws hundreds of images to produce the idea of motion, takes countless hours and requires the dedication of an artist’s full time. With the aid of computers, images are generated at face paces and movement can be altered with the click of a mouse. Thus, those hired to do such jobs have the opportunity to better the product with far less time and frustration. Like â€Å"in-betweening,† morphing, another film technique, requires long hours and hard work. Unlike â€Å"in-betweening,† which can be done without the aid of a computer, morphing is a special effect that is unable to be produced without one. It consists of filming a beginning and ending shots and the middle is left for the computer to generate. Despite the aid of the computer, this process is still quite complex. Short scenes can take a year to morph, but the end product may make all the difference for the enjoyment of the film. Computers are not only used for animation techniques and special effects, they are used... ...n able to reach otherwise. With unlimited possibilities and the creative minds in the world, the film industry is likely to consider seeing drastic changes. Like the world has in the past, peoples’ likes and dislikes will change with the ever-changing technological world. What we enjoy as a society in 2005 is likely to be considered as bland as we consider the black and white silent films, in the years to come. Works Cited Dirks, Tim. â€Å"Landmarks in Classic Hollywood/American Films.† The Greatest Films. 1996-2005. MacNeil-Lehrer Productions. 2005. Parsons, June Jamrich and Dan Oja. â€Å"Computers In Context, Film.† Computer Concepts. 8th Edition. Course Technology 2006. p.392

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Balkans, History On Geographic :: essays research papers

The Balkan Peninsula has many physical features, but there are three main ones, they are the fact that it is a peninsula, its mountains, and its rivers. Within the Balkan Peninsula there are a good majority of ethnicities. There will be a majority of instances that the geography has helped or hindered certain peoples in the Balkans history.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The mountains had a few of different effects on the early people living in the Balkan Peninsula. The mountains of this area, helped certain ethnic groups, and hurt others. The mountain made certain divisions among the land and caused the region to be split up into small units where distinct ethnic groups have been able to sustain themselves. These small units are not much bigger than the British Isles or the state of Texas, and homes a little over a dozen of prominent ethnic groups. The mountains are also considered a physical obstacle, because they obstruct regional combination, whether it be political, economic, or cultural. And the last effect it had on these people is that of the land. The land near the bottom of these mountains is a lot better then that of the top of it, so the groups that have been beaten in battle usually would take refuge up at the top, or it would be a punishment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The rivers in the Balkan Peninsula are basically short so there only use is from local inhabitants. If anything these rivers are a menace, because they cannot carry water traffic and they cut ravines which then in turn block travel along the coast. The one exception of this is the Danube river, which enters from the west, passes through the Hungarian plain, then flows to the south of the Slavic states, and finally exits out of Romania and into the Black sea on the east. Though this is a great help it also can also go the other way, due to the fact that in the summer the water becomes low and there are marshes that obstruct access to the rivers banks. This can slow trade and communication.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to certain theories there were multiple Indo-European groups that invaded the Balkans by using and introducing horses. They had to use horses due to the terrain. During the Rome’s rule many different ethnic groups periodically invaded the Balkans. The ethnic groups such as the Slavs who arrived in the third century and conquered the Bulgar had time to develop their culture, customs, and religions due to the mountains, which isolated them from many other peoples of the area.

Understanding the Principles of Assessment

1. Understand the principles and requirements of assessment 1. Explain the functions of assessment in learning and development. Assessment is carried out to evaluate that learning has taken place. It measures the learner’s attainment of knowledge and skills in their particular learning area. Assessment encourages learners to ask questions on anything they have not fully understood, as learners know that they will have to prove their knowledge and understanding during assessment to the standards of the awarding body. The anticipated outcome of assessment is that the learner will complete assessment to City and Guild standards within the time frame stated, with no assistance and show through answering questions that they have full understanding of the subject. 2. Define the key concepts and principles of assessment. Assessment has to remain fair, consistent and valid to ensure all learners have an equal and fair chance of receiving a fair assessment. An assessor cannot be swayed to give a learner an easier assessment because they favour the learner. The assessment process may have to be adapted to be suitable to the learner’s needs but, needs to eventually lead to the same outcome. 3. Explain the responsibilities of the assessor. The role of the assessor is to assess the learner’s knowledge and performance in a range of tasks. This includes, ? Ensuring that the learner has demonstrated competence and knowledge in the assessment to the standard of City and Guilds criteria. ? Assessments need to be planned between the assessor and each learner; the learner needs to be fully aware of his/her responsibilities in the collection and presentation of evidence. The assessor then needs to observe the learners performance in their workplace or similar environment and can ask questions to confirm a learners understanding. ? Accurate and constructive feedback needs to be given to the learner whether they have passed the assessment or not. If the assessment has not been achieved the learner needs to be aware of why they did not achieve and how they can rectify this for the next time they are assessed. ? Records of the learner’s achievement must be kept up to date and be available for the learner to see. 4. Identify the regulations and requirements relevant to assessment in own area of practice. As a tutor , I am required to discuss and set targets for the completion of tasks, units, skills development and observations to the City and Guild standards. This is to ensure the learner achieves their programme. I am responsible for the learners to complete the programme units with the time-scale stated by the awarding body, the time-scaled will initially be dictated by the Learning and Skills council but, learners will be assessed on an individual basis and time-scales adjusted to suit individuals. As an assessor I have to set challenging targets, record their progress against their targets in the learners individual learning plan (ILP), monitor their progress with every 4 or 8 week reviews in which progress is discussed and targets are agreed and set for learner to work towards. Once assessment begins I have to give learners clear and constructive feedback on their achievement and progress, learner progress is monitored through 1 to 1 .. Each learner has a portfolio logbook that records the learner’s competence against the standards for the qualification they are working towards. I have to ensure that the logbook is completed and kept up to date to show what progress has been made, and what areas of competence have yet to be achieved, this allows me, learner and visitor from the awarding body to easily track the learner’s progress. Once the learner has achieved their qualification, it is my responsibility to advise them of any further programmes they could do to develop their skills further. 2. Understand different types of assessment methods 1. Compare the strengths and limitations of a range of assessment methods with reference to the needs of individual learners. | | | |Assessment Methods |Strengths |Limitations | |Observation of performance in the work |Authentic |Demanding on assessors time | |environment |Low disruption to candidates workplace |Travel | | |Assesses real life skills. Need co-operation from candidate’s | | |Could help in integrating assessment across|workplace. | | |outcomes and units. |Reliability may be hard to achieve. | |Examining products of work |Authentic |Time-consuming with large groups. | | |Showcases learner’s skills. | | |Clear feedback back can be given on the | | | |work | | |Questioning the learner |Can occur naturally out of an observation |Is difficult to manage with larger numbers | | |Non-threatening to the learner |of learners | |Can be offered to learners with additional |Due to the range of responses from | | |support needs |learners, reliability may be difficult to | | |May fill in gaps in the learners portfolio |achieve. | |of evidence | | |Discussing with the learner |Learner may feel less threatened. |Time-consuming with large numbers of | | |More one to one |learners. | | |Could help less confident learner. | |Use of others (witness testimony) |Others may see areas which are normally |Authenticity of testimony could be | | |difficult for assessors to observe |questionable | |Looking at learner statements |Builds confidence in the learner’s |Learners with additio nal learning needs may| | |capabilities. |find it difficult. | |Understand the standards they are working |Does not show the learners practical | | |to. |ability. | |Recognising prior learning |Gauge the learner’s knowledge of learning. |Prior learning could be to a higher/lower | | |Recognise if any additional learning needs |standard | | |maybe required. | | . Understand how to plan assessment 3. 1Summarise key factors to consider when planning assessment. Key factors that have to be taken into consideration when planning assessment are; †¢ Is learner ready? †¢ Suitable time †¢ Suitable model †¢ Convenient for workplace †¢ Suitable environment Is Learner Ready? To determine if the learner is ready for assessment, Assessment has to be planned between the assessor and each learner, together they must come up with a plan that will suit the learner’s employers and the unit the learner is to be assessed on. As an assessor you have to be flexible to accommodate the learner. Suitable model The learner has to ensure the correct model is selected for assessment the learner is planning to do. For the colour unit (GH9), all models must have been skin tested 24-48 hours before the application of colour; this is a requirement to ensure insurance is valid. The correct model must be chosen so the learner can be assessed on what they plan, for example; a short haired client would not be suitable for a long graduation assessment. Convenient for workplace. A good relationship has to be established between the assessor and the learners employers. The learners workplace needs to be aware of the learners progress throughout the course and when planning the assessment the assessor hs to contact the workplace to ensure it is a suitbale time for the learner to be assessed. Suitable place Observing the learner in their workplace is the most suitable place to assess the learner. Whilst in the workplace a holistic assessment is more likely to happen, as different units may also be assessed when the assessor only planned on one. . 2 Evaluate the benefits of using a holistic approach to assessment. An holistic assessment will make the learner feel comfortable and competent in their assessment as it gives the assessor the oppourtunity to see the learner in their workplace covering another unit or aspect of the learners course as it naturally happens. This could occur without the learner realising. An holistic approach will help the assessor to use their time more efficiently, as hopefully more assessment than planned will occur. . 3 Explain how to plan a holistic approach to assessment. The assessor has to take some responsibility for collecting and structuring evidence when planning an holistic approach to assessment, further evidence is collected through observation of the learner and questioning the learner. The learner can also collect evidence but, must be supported by the assessor. 3. 4Summarise the types of risks that maybe involved in assessment in own area of responsibility. The types of risks that maybe involved in assessment of my own area are high, it is important for the assessor and learner to ensure the assessment is carried out in a safe environment. Learners must adhere to their own salon procedures and insurance policies. When assessing a learner at their workplace the assessor would have to ensure it was safe to do so, before the planning of assessment the assessor would have to make sure the workplace had carried out a risk assessment, have health and safety certificates, liability insurance, a first aid box, fire extingushers and fire procedures. . 5Explain how to minimise risks through the planning process. Risks will be minimised through the planning process by making sure the learner is complying with the worksplaces in-house policies (each salons policies will differ) and local by laws. The assessor must follow their policy and procedures when planning the assessment. The learner can be questioned on any of the policy and procedures and t he learner has to be able to explain them. 4. Undertand how to involve learners and others in assessment. 4. Explain the importance of involving the learning and others in the assessment process. It is important to involve the learner and others in the assessment process so that the learners and employers know the progress of the learner and what the learner still has to achieve. If the employers know the learners know the learners progress they are more likely to encourage and motivate the learner, the employer may make time to train with the learner or let the learner observe other stylists work which will expand the learners skills and understanding. Knowing the learners progress, employers may be able to observe a specific piece of evidence that has not occurred when the assessor has been present, when the assessor does visit the workplace the employers could provide the assessor with a witness testimony of the evidence they observed. 4. 2 Summarise types of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process. Documentation Log books are given to each learner once registered on the course and are available to the learner and others and provide useful means of assessing the progress of the learners achievement and performance. The log book documents the learners ability to carry out a range of tasks. This document works well for the assessor to minitor progress and any areas the learner may require more guidance. Log books are alos checked by the internal verifier once a unit is completed, to ensure everything is completed to the standards, also the log book may be sampled by an external verifier. Policies Policies are necessary to ensure learners and others know what is expected and what they have to achieve to gain the qualification. All learners will work against the same policies so each learner has to meet the same requirements to complete the qualification. Procedure Procedures are in place for learners and others to follow, each assessment follows the same procedure and cannot be amended. Assessors work is sampled by IV’s to ensure each learner is being treat equally and fairly and that the assessment is following the standards procedure. Skills analysis Learners and others need to be aware of the learners skills, so guidance and further teaching can be given to the learner to pass assessment. If the learners has not passed assessment this is documented with constructive critism and help on areas the learner has missed. By keeping a record the learner can check and practice the skills. . 3Explain how peer and self-assessment can be used effectively to promote learner involvement and personal responsibility in the assessment of learning. to promote learner involvement a tracking grid is used for each individual learner. The tracking grid is for the learner to keep a record of their own progress on what they have practiced in salo n, this encourages the learner’s development of skills as they can track what they need to practice and when they will be ready for assessment. Learners also reflect on what they have done, learnt and what they can learn from after each session by completing an end of day form. The learners have to state what they have learnt, what they enjoyed the most and least and anything they have achieved in the session, there is also spave for the assessor/tutor to make comment on what they learner has done, these forms are filed and can be used for learners to reflect on. Learners are to approach the assessor once they feel ready to be assessed, the assessor has to advise the learner to look through the criteria of the unit the learner wants to be assessed on and the learner is to decide if they feel they can meet the criteria. If the assessment id not achieved feedback is a must, by asking the learner ‘how they felt it went’ will encourage the learner to analyse their work and reflect on what they could do better next time to achieve the assessment. 4. 4 Explain how assessment arrangements can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners. An assessor is the hairdressing sector would have to be flexible to fit in with the salons opening times. Many salons are closed Mondays but, open Saturdays. In order to assess a learner it may require the assessor to work when they normally have a day off, work later or start earlier. If a learner was particularly shy the assessor may have to go at quieter times in the salon to carry out an assessment, if it is a busy salon the assessor has to ensure they do not get in the way whilst doing assessment. 5. Understand how to make assessment decisions. 5. 1Explain how to judge whether evidence is:- Sufficient A performace criteria is stated in each learners log book for each unit within the NVQ qualification. The learner must achieve the stated outcomes to have sufficient evidence to meet the requirements. Authentic The learner is watched by the assessor from start to finish of the assessment to ensure outcomes are met and assessment is completed with the time scale stated by the standards. Current All assessments are recorded in the learners logbook, which is completed by the assessor dating and signing to confirm assessment has been achieved, the learner also signs the log book. Dating the log book ensures assessments are current. 5. Explain how to ensure that assessment decisions are:- Made against specified criteria The outcomes in the logbook for each unit ensure that the assessment decision is made against the specified criteria and that the learner is working to City and Guild standards. Valid To ensure the assessment is valid, the assessor has to ensure that the learner is being assessed against the correct standards. For example; if a learner was being assessed on styling hair (G H10), the assessor would not use change hair colour (GH9) standards to assess the learner against. Reliable By following the standards set by City and Guild for each assessment, it ensures that the same result will be achieved. Fair By following the standards all assessments are fair. An assessors personal feelings about the learners cannot cloud cloud the assessors judgement. 6. Understand quality assurance of the assessment process. 6. 1Evaluate the importance of quality assurance in the assessment process. A trainee assessor is observed by an internal verifier, at Woodspeen Christopher Pauls, assessors are given 5 days notice before the observation. The observations take place to ensure assessors are working to the same standards and that assessments are being completed correctly. The IV will also have interviews will the learners to see how they are learning and interacting with their assessor, this gives the learners to air any grievances they may have which they may have not wanted to discuss with their assessor. An IV will go through the learners logbook after the learner has been on the course for 6 months, this is to ensure that the assessors accupational competence is up to date. The IVwill give feedback to the assessor verbally and written. The IV can sample the log book at anytime and will go through the whole log book again once the learner has completed. At Woodspeen Christopher Paul all assessors attend a standardisation meeting in which the assessors are split into small groups and given the same unit to work through and assess. The assessors then discuss their findings and work together so all assessors come to the same outcome, so all assessors is working to the same standards. 6. Summarise quality assurance and standardisation procedures in own area of practice. To ensure trainee assessors are correctly assessing they will be observed by the IV every 3 months, trainee assessor also have 100% sampling/counter signing which takes place initially and all assessment decisions will be countersigned by qualified assessors. Any problems that are identified during sampling the IV will follow up with discussion/training with the assessor involed. All evidence sampled in the log book is initialled in red by the IV, all feedback will be kept and dated for EV’s. All these actions are taken to ensure every assessor is working to the standards set by the awarding body, ensuring there is standardisation within the assessors. 6. 3Summarise the procedures to follow when there are disputes concerning assessment in area of practice. Every learner has the right to a fair assessment process, if the learner feels that they have been treated unfairly they have the right to appeal the decision. There is a NVQ appeal procedure in line with the awarding body requirements and NVQ code of practice which must be followed. The learner must first approach the centre lead internal verifier, if not resolved then to the centre manager, if the learner is still not happy with the outcome it will then be referred to the awarding body who will pursue the matter with the external or lead verifier. Assessment decision unfair Report to the internal verifier within 10 days Internal verifier to investigate within 10 days If problem not resolved it will be passed to centre co-ordinator who will give a decision within 10 days or within a time scale that has allowed for full investigation of the complaint If still not resolved it will be passed to the awarding body within 10 days The final decision will rest with the awarding body. 7. Understand how to manage information relating to assessment. 7. 1Explain the importance of following procedures for the management of information relating to assessment. It is important to follow procedures when managing information relating to assessment to ensure all assessors are working to the NVQ standards. All information collected during assessment must be kept up to date and and follow the policies and procedures of the awarding body. This information should be available to learners and others to see at any point. Following procedures in the assessment process enables internal and external verifiers track the work of the learners and sample work of the assessor to ensure everything is being done to the company and awarding body standards. 7. 2Explain how feedback and questioning contribute to the assessment process. The assessment process is to plan, assess, give feedback and develop. Firstly, the assessor and the learner must come up with a plan for assessment, the assessor will write up the planned assessment plan before assessment begins, the learner is then assessed through observation and the assessor asking relevant questions, once assessment is completed feedback needs to be given to the learner from the assessor, if the learner has achieved the assessment feedback still needs to be given on what the learner did really well on anything they could still improve on and then a plan is made between the assessor and learner on what the assessor would like to see next assessment and how the learner can achieve and develop their skills for this. If the learner has not achieved the assessment constructive cristism is given to the learner, the feedback will be what they didn’t achieve on, what they did well and what they need to do to imporove, the learner will also be given a plan on what they need they need to complete to enable the learner to achieve asses sment next time. The learners are given a 2 week period before they are assessed again to develop their skills. 8. Understand the legal and good practice requirements in relation to assessment. 8. 1Explain legal issues, policies and procedures relevant to assessment, including those for confidentiality, health, safety and welfare.